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Access to Oregon State Government Publications: Home

The basics about access to the State Library's Oregon Documents Collection

Sites of interest for Oregon government publications

The State Library maintains some blogs and special web sites to highlight different kinds of Oregon government publications:

  • eClips Extra. This blogs provides easy access to Oregon state government documents that are in the news, or relevant to current news topics.
  • Reports to the Oregon Legislature.  This collection provides access to reports that are required by statute to be submitted to Oregon State Legislature.

How do I access Oregon government publications?

You can access publications of Oregon state government in several ways.

To access the Oregon State Library's physical collection, search the State Library online catalog.  Here are some search hints:

To access the Oregon Government Publications Digital Collection:

  • You can browse individual agency collections. For instance, the State Library's Collection
  • You can search the whole collection by keyword. For instance, here's a search of "sales tax" in the whole collection.
  • You can search by keyword in any agency collection.  Here's the sales tax search in the Legislative Assembly collection
  • You can also use the search box at, or use Google or other search engines.
  • Oregon State Library Digital Collections also includes collections for maps, Oregoniana, and federal documents, so be sure to explore!



What about federal goverment publications?

The State Library is also a Federal Depository Library.  You can access federal government publications through the online catalog, using searches similar to those you'd use for Oregon government publications.  Visit our Federal Government Information page for more tips about searching federal government publications.