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LSTA Grants

Exemplary Grant Applications

Below are applications which received excellent evaluation scores from reviewers, and became successfully funded projects. These applications are provided to help potential applicants better understand what makes for a strong application.

Competitive Grants Program

Harney County Library Makerspace
Harney County Library
FY2024 Competitive Grant

What made this application exemplary:

  • Clearly demonstrated need and community interest in the the project.
  • Project is deliberately scoped to prove library's ability to carry it out successfully.
  • Project clearly targets priority populations.
  • Evidence of well established partnerships and letters of support from all relevant parties.
  • Intent to continue supporting the project beyond the life of the grant.

Cuento Contigo, Stories That Unify Us: Bimonthly Bilingual Family Storytelling Gatherings at OMS
Redmond School District
FY2023 Competitive Grant

What made this application exemplary:

  • Clearly stated problem supported by data
  • Presents a cost-efficient and attainable solution to the stated problem
  • Potential for great impact on priority populations
  • Clear community buy-in and partnership engagement
  • Strong plan for implementation
  • Project is scalable for others to do
  • Solid evaluation measures

Culture Connection Collection: Supporting Kids of Color in Care
Northwest Resource Associates Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center Library
FY2022 Competitive Grant

What made this application exemplary:

  • Well written and well-documented
  • Project will reach a historically underserved group in a unique way
  • Clear that applicant has already done a lot of work to identify consultants and develop plans
  • Using thoughtful and respectful approach of consulting with experts who have lived experience, selecting materials that reflect the communities they serve, and promoting the collection through partner outreach
  • Project has solid support from related organizations and entities serving the needs of target audience
  • Good level of detail provided on activities
  • Scope of the project is very reasonable and easily doable within 1 year
  • Proposed budget is supported by sound justification

Educating and Empowering Lane County Renters: Developing Authoritative Legal Information for Tenants
Lane County Law Library
FY2021 Competitive Grant

What made this application exemplary:

  • Application presents a unique project that is timely and has potential to impact both rural and urban communities
  • Need is clear and well substantiated by supporting documentation
  • Target audience is described well, with specific examples of the socioeconomic makeup of those in need of the proposed service
  • Applicant demonstrates awareness of other resources and seeks to compliment/partner with what is already there
  • The proposed partnerships along with the already existing expertise and content make this project feasible within the next year's timeframe
  • Community support is evident through partnerships and letters of support
  • Impacts seem high and outcomes are clearly articulated   

Roseburg Public Library STEAM Programming
Roseburg Public Library
FY2020 Competitive Grant

What made this application exemplary:

  • Clearly demonstrates need with ample data
  • Library has already developed (and plans to further develop) strong partnerships to ensure the success of this project
  • Great letters of support
  • Goals and activities are very detailed
  • Outcomes are clearly stated with measurement methods (surveys, interviews, and observations)
  • Budget is clearly laid out
  • This project seems sustainable with the help of the Library, its Friends group, and the already existing investment of library staff and volunteers