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Grey Literature Resources for Finding Government Information

Grey Literature is defined as “that which is produced on all levels of government, academics, business and industry in print and electronic formats, but which is not controlled by commercial publishers”. Examples include papers, reports, technical note

Oregon Government Publications collection

State Library of Oregon building in autumn
•Oregon State Library – official archive of Oregon Government documents

An Oregon Government Document (ORDoc) is defined as any "informational matter produced for public distribution or access, originating in or produced by the authority of or at the total or partial expense of any state agency" It exempts some types of public records, including correspondence and interoffice memos.

The State Library also distributes ORDocs to other depository libraries across the state. They must retain all depository documents for a minimum of five years, excluding superseded publications which may be replaced by the newer edition. 

All 8 depository libraries are required to make their Oregon documents accessible to the public, free of charge

Other Oregon depository libraries

Federal Government Information

Federal Depository Libraries exist to provide government produced grey literature freely to the public.

The State Library of Oregon was designated as Oregon’s Regional Federal Depository Library in 2007. With this designation, the State Library oversees the distribution of Federal Documents among these four partner libraries and ensures it’s freely accessible to all.

Portland State University
University of Oregon
Oregon State University
Oregon State Library
Access to Federal Documents can be found here via the State Library website: