Each year the OIFC encourages Oregon libraries and schools to report on challenges to library materials, services, and programs. As this is a voluntary process, the accuracy of the OIFC’s annual reports and Index to Challenges are directly related to the number of institutions that choose to report and the quality of information they provide.
Questions? Please contact Library Support (library.support@slo.oregon.gov).
The annual report summarizes the challenges to library materials, services, and programs from the past state fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). No identifying information concerning the people who submitted the challenges or the challenge reports is published.
The Title Index to Materials Challenges is a list of the titles and authors of the library materials challenged in Oregon since 1987. It also includes if the material was retained, reclassified, relocated, or removed from the library collection. New information is added each year.
Note: Originally, the names of the libraries where materials were challenged were included; entries added after 2009 do not include library names.