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Statewide Database Licensing Program

Answers to your questions about the State Library of Oregon's Statewide Database Licensing Program (SDLP)

The Statewide Database Licensing Program provides Oregon residents access to library databases and resources through Oregon libraries.

Statewide Database Licensing Program (SDLP) Frequently Asked Questions

What type of online resources are licensed for the SDLP?

How do libraries access SDLP resources?

Can libraries customize their accounts?

Can libraries get usage statistics?

Are there training resources available?

Are there promotional materials available?

Are there other statewide resources available to libraries?

Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee (SDLAC)

What is the Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee (SDLAC)?

What is the process for adding new resources to the SDLP?

How can I submit a suggestion for new resources to add to the SDLP?

How does the SDLAC evaluate suggestions?

Why does the State Library require a competitive sealed proposal process for online resource contracts?

Where does the money for resources come from?