801 Total annual number of uses (sessions) of public Internet computers
Report the total number of (sessions) of the computers in the library with public Internet access during the last year. If the computer is used for multiple purposes (Internet access, word-processing, OPAC, etc.) and Internet uses (sessions) cannot be isolated, report all usage. A typical week or other reliable estimate may be used to determine the annual number. Sign-up forms or scheduling software also may be used for this report.
Count each use (session) for public internet computers, regardless of the amount of time spent on the computer. This count includes only the library’s public Internet computers. Please report Wi-Fi usage with non-library computers and devices in Question 804.
801b Reporting Method for total number of Internet computer sessions
Please choose one of these two options for how Internet computers sessions (reported in Question 801) are tracked:
802 Total number of Internet-connected computers used by general public
Report the number of the library’s Internet computers (including personal computers (PCs), laptops, tablets, and other devices), whether purchased, leased, or donated, used by the general public in the library. Do not include computers that connect to the Internet for a dedicated purpose other than general Internet use (e.g., to access an OPAC or specific database, or to train the public).
803 Tell us about your library's wireless Internet. Wireless Internet, or Wi-Fi, in this context is defined as a connection that visitors can use for free to connect to the Internet using their own personal devices. Please choose the one option that best describes your library's situation from the following options. For library's with multiple branches, please report on the central/main library's Wi-Fi here, and report all other outlets under Question B09. If you choose "other," we will follow up with you at a later date for more information:
804 Number of Wireless Sessions provided by the library annually.
Report the number of wireless sessions provided by the library wireless service annually. Count one session for each time a device connects to the library's wireless network, regardless of the duration of connection. If possible, only count sessions for patron devices and exclude library devices such as routers, access points, printers, and public access computers; otherwise, if patron devices cannot be isolated, report sessions for all devices.
NOTE: If an annual count of wireless sessions is unavailable, count wireless sessions during a typical week or weeks using methods like hardware logging or network scanning, and multiply the count to represent an annual estimate. (Do not conduct visual surveys of devices in use as a method to establish a count of a typical week.) A “typical week” is a time that is neither unusually busy nor unusually slow. Avoid holiday times, vacation periods for key staff, or days when unusual events are taking place in the community or in the library. Choose a week in which the library is open its regular hours.
804b Reporting Method for Wireless Sessions.
Regarding the number of Wireless Sessions (804) entered, is this an annual count or an annual estimate based on a typical week or weeks of hardware logging or network scanning?
Select one of the following:
805a Advertised download speed from your Internet Service Provider
Report the advertised download speed you are paying for from your Internet Service Provider. If your library has multiple branches, please report for the main/central branch here and report different advertised speeds (if applicable) at other locations in the branch report.
806a Advertised upload speed from your Internet Service Provider
Report the advertised upload speed you are paying for from your Internet Service Provider. If your library has multiple branches, please report for the main/central branch here and report different advertised speeds (if applicable) at other locations in the branch report.
805t Type of Internet Connection
Please select the type of Internet service connection at your library from the dropdown menu. If you are unsure, please select Other and leave a note at the end of Part 8 in Technology & Facilities Notes. For multi-branch systems, please report the connection type for the main/central library here as applicable. Options are:
807 Name of shared ILS consortium (e.g. Sage, CCRLS, LINCC, etc.)
If your library belongs to a district or consortium that provides a shared integrated library system or catalog, or shares a system with another library, please indicate the name of the consortium or library.
808 Name of integrated library system (ILS) product (e.g. III, Evergreen, Polaris, SyrsiDynix, Athena, etc.).
Please indicate the name of the vendor of the library’s catalog or Integrated Library System (ILS).
The easiest tool to track website visits is Google Analytics. Please see this short tutorial for setting up an account, connecting your library's URL, and getting basic statistics.
830 Does your library circulate devices for use outside the library? Yes/No
Please report whether your library circulates computers/tablets/devices to patrons for use outside of the library building. Please include device that can be used to establish a connection to the Internet (hotspot or phone) or can be used to access digital information or online services (tablet, laptop, phone).
For Questions 810 - 814, please report the number of regularly scheduled hours the library was supposed to be open in a typical week during the July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 period. Do not report actual hours (i.e., do not take into account closures here).
810 Number of weekday hours. Report the number of hours the library is open during a standard (i.e., pre-pandemic) week, Monday-Friday from open to 5:00 pm. Report only central or main library’s hours here (for multi-branch libraries).
811 Number of weeknight hours. Report the number of hours the library is open during a standard (i.e., pre-pandemic) week, Monday-Friday from 5:00 pm to close. Report only central or main library’s hours here (for multi-branch libraries).
812 Number of weekend daytime hours. Report the number of hours the library is open during a standard (i.e., pre-pandemic) week, Saturday-Sunday from open to 5:00 pm. Report only central or main library’s hours here (for multi-branch libraries).
813 Number of weekend evening hours. Report the number of hours the library is open during a standard (i.e., pre-pandemic) week, Saturday-Sunday from 5:00 pm to close. Report only central or main library’s hours here (for multi-branch libraries).
814 Total open hours in a typical week. Auto-summed from 810, 811, 812, and 813.
815 Number of weeks library is open. Report the number of weeks during the year that the main library was open to the public. The count should be based on the number of weeks that a library was open for at least 50% of its scheduled service hours. Extensive weeks closed to the public due to natural disasters or other events should be excluded from the count. Do not calculate based on total number of service hours per year. Round to the nearest whole number of weeks. If the library was open half or more of its scheduled hours in a given week, round up to the next week. If the library was open less than half of its scheduled hours, round down.
816 Total annual public service hours for main library. This is the number of annual public service hours for the central or main library. If the main library office only provides remote services such as the bookmobile or outreach services and does not have any walk in traffic, indicate 0. The annual public service hours for branches and bookmobiles is listed in section 9. Minor variations in public service hours need not be included. Extensive hours closed to the public due to natural disasters or other events should be excluded from the count. EXAMPLE: The central library for Library C was open 9 hours a day, six days a week for a total of 54 hours per week (54 x 52 weeks = 2,808), less five days of 9 hours each which were library holidays, for a total of 2,763 hours (2,808 - 45 = 2,763).
817 Library visits (total annual attendance at all library facilities). Report the total number of persons entering the library for whatever purpose during the year. Include persons attending activities, meetings, and using the library, even those persons requiring no staff service. If actual door counts are available, please report them. If not available, provide an annual estimate based on a count taken during a typical week, preferably in October. Choose a week in which the library is open its regular hours. Avoid holiday times, vacation periods for key staff, or days when unusual events are taking place in the community or in the library. Include seven consecutive calendar days, from Sunday through Saturday. Multiply the count of library visits during the typical week by 52 weeks.
817b Library visits reporting method. Please choose one of these two options for how library visits are tracked:
819 Square footage of main (central) library. This will be pre-filled based on previous year's data. If you need to make an update, please contact us via email to make changes (formerly 9.1). If your library system does not have a main or central branch, please answer 0 here.
Definition: the area, in square feet, of the main (central) library. This is the area on all floors enclosed by the outer walls of the library facility. Include all area occupied by the library, including those staff areas off-limits to the public. Include any areas shared with another agency or agencies if the library has use of that area. Do not include parts of facility not used for library services or library staff.
820 Total system square footage. Total square footage of all public service outlets. This will be a pre-filled total based on previous year's data. If you need to make an update, please contact us via email to make changes.
822 Date of Building's Most Recent Structural (i.e. NOT Cosmetic) Remodel. Enter the year only for the date of your library's most recent structural remodel. A structural remodel involves more significant improvements than a cosmetic renovation. Generally, it includes moving walls and changing the property's floor plan, changes are significant enough to alter building facts such as the number of rooms, the addition of an elevator, increases of greater than 10% to the square footage, etc. If unknown, enter 0000.