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2024 Oregon Public Library Statistical Report Guide

Instructions for completing the annual Oregon Public Library Statistical Report.

Part 1 - General Information


To make changes to elements highlighted in grey, please contact Ross Fuqua.

101 Official name of library

102 - 104 Street Address. Enter the complete street address of the library administrative entity or headquarters. Do not report a post office box or general delivery.

105 - 107 Mailing Address. Enter the mailing address of the administrative entity. It is okay to report post office boxes or general delivery here.

108 County. The county in which the headquarters of the library is located.

109 Library's main phone number. Enter numbers only, without dashes or parentheses.

110 District or Cooperative Membership. Enter your selection from the drop down menu. If none apply, select NONE.

111 Was there a (geographic) boundary change in the legal service area in the last year? 

Examples of changes include:

  • a municipality, county, or district annexes land
  • when one municipality in a county becomes either an independent city or its own county necessitating its exclusion from the first county's geography
  • an administrative entity contracts to provide public library service for some additional geographic area other than the geographic area for which it was established (e.g., a municipal library contracts to serve county residents)

113 Has the library or any of its branches moved or had a change of address in the last year? 

Please indicate if the main library or any of the branches moved to a new address in the previous fiscal year. If yes, verify that the square footages are updated in in the Branch / Bookmobile data section. Please also update the branch entry in the online library directory at

114 -116 Number of public service outlets. 

A central library is a single-facility library, or the library which is the operational center of a multiple-outlet library. It is considered synonymous with the term “main library”. Usually all processing is centralized and the principal collections are housed at the central library. In a system where there are several co-equal outlets and no principal collection, report all such outlets as branches, not central libraries.  

A branch library is an auxiliary facility with separate quarters from the central library, a permanent organized collection of books, paid staff, and a regular schedule of public service hours. A books by mail service should be listed in Other public service outlets. Outreach services do not count as a branch.

A bookmobile is a traveling branch library. It consists of a truck or van that carries an organized collection of library materials, paid staff, and regularly scheduled hours for being open to the public. Provide the number of vehicles, not stops. If you have a bookmobile, it should have a branch record of its own in Section 9. 

118 Number of registered users. A registered borrower is a library user who has applied for and received an identification number or card from the public library that has established conditions under which the user may borrow library materials and gain access to other library resources. Please report the number of registered users as of June 30.

119 Number of new registered users added. Please report the number of newly registered library users at your library between July 1 and June 30.