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2024 Oregon Public Library Statistical Report Guide

Instructions for completing the annual Oregon Public Library Statistical Report.

New Questions for 2024 Report

New questions in 2024


Part 3 - REVENUE


Question 305 - State Revenue has been split into two separate questions:

  • 305a Ready to Read Grant Revenue. This will be pre-filled by the State Library and will be read-only.
  • 305b All other State Revenue. Please report all other state-sourced funds distributed to your library here. DO NOT include Ready to Read Grants here.

Parts A and B will then be auto-summed for the national Public Library Survey dataset into the existing question (this will not appear in the stats report form), 305 Total State Government Revenue.

Additionally, Question 306 - LSTA Grant Revenue will be pre-filled by the State Library and will be read-only. This will include all LSTA-sourced funds your library received from a LSTA Competitive Grant or a Teen Internship Grant (or both, where applicable). Please report all other federally-sourced revenue in Question 308. 


Question 320 - Local option operating levy? Yes/No

Does your library currently have a local option levy to help fund library operational costs?

Question 321 - Year levy was established?

If you answered Yes to Question 320, please report the year in which the levy was first approved by voters. Format: YYYY. 
If you do not have a levy, leave this field blank.

Question 322 - Year levy expires?

If you answered Yes to Question 320, please report the year that the current levy expires. Format: YYYY. 
If you do not have a levy, leave this field blank.

Question 330 - Library bond measure? Yes/No

Does your library currently receive capital funding through a bond measure?

Question 331 - Bond amount?

If you answered Yes for Question 330, what was the original bond amount that was passed (not including interest)?

Question 332 - Bond expiration date?

If you answered Yes for Question 330, what year does the bond expire? Format: YYYY.




Question 609 - Automatic renewals of physical materials? Yes/No

Does your library automatically renew physical items that are checked to patrons? Please answer Yes if this is true for the majority of item types. For example, if your library does not automatically renew new items, but does so for most other physical items, answer Yes.




Question 702 - Does your library offer digital literacy instruction sessions? Yes/No

Please report Yes if your library provides digital literacy instructional sessions that are:

  • at least 15 minutes in duration; and
  • scheduled (by appointment), one-on-one technical assistance in using a device, an application; or 
  • other online service as well as formal instruction by way of workshops, classes, etc. 

Please report Yes if sessions enhance digital literacy skills in the areas of:

  • basic computer skills
  • navigating the Internet
  • using email
  • essential software skills in the areas of word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations
  • Internet safety and privacy
  • using social media.

Please do not count informal reference or informational transactions that only focus on the use of library services or online resources.




Question 805t - Type of Internet Connection - (we used to ask this years ago, and are bringing it back in 2024 with minor updates)

  • Fiber
  • Cable
  • DSL
  • Fixed Wireless
  • Satellite
  • Mobile/LTE
  • Mobile/5G
  • other

Please select the type of Internet service connection at your library. If you are unsure, please select Other and leave a note at the end of Part 8 in Technology & Facilities Notes. For multi-branch systems, please report the connection type for the main/central library here as applicable.

Question 825 - Are you planning for a major capital project? 

  • Yes - New building
  • Yes - Major renovation
  • Yes - Both
  • No

Is your library or library system currently planning to build a new building, or to undertake a significant renovation of an existing building? If both (for multi-outlet systems), please select Yes - Both.

Question 830 - Does your library circulate devices for use outside the library? Yes/No

Please report whether your library circulates computers/tablets/devices to patrons for use outside of the library building. Please include device that can be used to establish a connection to the Internet (hotspot or phone) or can be used to access digital information or online services (tablet, laptop, phone).

*These questions have also changed for branches, for libraries with multiple public service outlets.

Revised Questions for 2024 Report

Revised Questions in 2024





Please note that instead of asking libraries to run an Internet Speed Test, for questions 805a & 805b, this year we are asking for you to report the speeds that your Internet Service Provider has advertised to you in your service plan. 

Question 805a - Advertised Internet Download Speed

Please report the top download speeds available to your library as advertised by your Internet Service Provider with your service plan (please report in Mbps).

Question 806a - Advertised Internet Upload Speed

Please report the top upload speeds available to your library as advertised by your Internet Service Provider with your service plan (please report in Mbps). 

Removed Questions for 2024 Report

Removed questions in 2024

The following questions have been removed from this year's Oregon Public Library Statistical Report.


We have decided to stop asking libraries to report onsite vs. offsite programs and attendance.

Question 761 - Number of Live, In-Person, Onsite Program Sessions.

Question 762 - Live, In-Person Onsite Program Attendance

Question 763 - Number of Live, In-Person, Offsite Program Sessions.

Question 764 - Live, In-Person, Offsite Program Attendance.


Question 809 - Website Visits.

This element has proven to be difficult for many libraries to track and will be excluded from the national Public Library Survey this fiscal year. We've decided to quit asking for this metric from Oregon libraries based on data quality issues.