For Questions 201 - 205: Report level of staffing in amount of full-time employment (FTE), based on 1 FTE = 40 hours/week. Report staffing levels as of June 30, 2024. Include all positions funded in the library's budget whether those positions are currently filled or not.
Example: 5 individual library assistants work a total of 60 hours per week (on average). These 5 positions all total 1.5 FTE (60/40=1.50 FTE).
Example: If schedules vary seasonally, use total annual number of hours worked (or budgeted for), divided by 2080 to calculate FTE. (1,560 hours for the year / 2080 = 0.75 FTE).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Report only staff paid from the library budget in Part 2. Do not report volunteers, other non-paid staff, or temporary personnel. Do report plant operations, security, or maintenance staff if paid from the library budget (see Question 2.4).
201 Number of librarians with ALA/MLS (in FTE).
Report the number of full-time equivalent positions of Librarian currently filled with individuals who hold a master's degree from a library and information studies program accredited by the American Library Association (ALA).
203 Total librarians (in FTE).
Report all positions (as full-time equivalent) with the title of Librarian (including those reported in 201) who do paid work under the title of Librarian, but an ALA/MLS degree is not a requirement.
204 All other paid staff (in FTE). Report all other positions paid from the reporting unit budget, including plant operations, security, and maintenance staff. Include both full and part time employees, and report total as full-time equivalent (1 FTE = 40 hours/week).
205 Total paid staff (in FTE). An auto-summed field of all FTE at your library (from 203 and 204).
206 Total number of volunteers (individuals). Report the total number of individuals (not FTE) who volunteered their services to the library during the year, even if they only worked a brief period of time. Exclude volunteers for other organizations' projects. Exclude Board members performing work for the Board.
207 Total volunteer hours. Report the combined number of hours that all of the individuals worked during the year.
209 Friends of the Library. Please indicate if a Friends of the Library group exists.
210 Library Foundation. Please indicate if a Library Foundation exists.
Report the total number of positions for each category below, not FTE.
211 Number of full-time permanent positions (37.5 hours/week or more). Report the number of permanent positions (individual positions, not FTE) budgeted at your library scheduled for 37.5 hours per week or more (on average). Include any currently vacant full-time positions. Permanent in this context refers to any position that is not specifically identified as temporary or on-call.
212 Number of part-time permanent positions between 20 and 37.5 hours/week. Report the number of permanent positions (individual positions, not FTE) budgeted at your library scheduled between 20 and 37.49 hours per week (on average). Include any currently vacant full-time positions. Permanent in this context refers to any position that is not specifically identified as temporary or on-call.
213 Number of part-time permanent positions (less than 20 hours/week). Report the number of permanent positions (individual positions, not FTE) budgeted at your library scheduled for less than 20 hours per week (on average). Include any currently vacant full-time positions. Permanent in this context refers to any position that is not specifically identified as temporary or on-call.
214 Number of temporary or on-call positions. Report the number of temporary or on-call positions your library has. A Temporary position could be any limited-duration position (e.g., for grant-funded projects) that is not included in your library's regular staffing budget year-to-year. On-call positions are those that do not typically work a set number of hours per week or month.
In counting FTE remember that you are counting the labor normally available to the library - positions both temporarily empty and those filled. So start with the positions the library had on June 30.
Say person A normally works 5 hours a week.
Person B normally works 2 hours a week.
Person C normally works 12 hours a week.
Method 1:
You could calculate the FTEs separately and add them together.
Divide the hours a person normally works a week by 40.
Person A works 5/40 of a full time week - or .125 FTE
Person B works 2/40 of a full time week - or .05 FTE
Person C works 12/40 of a full time week - or .30 FTE
Total is .475 FTE which rounds to .48 FTE
Method 2:
Add up everyones normal hours in a week. Divide the total by 40.
A + B + C=19/40 or .475 rounding to .48 FTE