601 Successful Retrievals from Statewide Electronic Resources (usage of Gale and LearningExpress Library databases).
These stats have been compiled and prefilled in the 2023 report for all libraries, except for WCCLS member libraries. WCCLS member libraries will receive these stats from WCCLS admin.
602 Successful retrievals from locally or local consortium-purchased electronic collections. Report retrievals of all other electronic collections (that require user authentication but do not have a circulation period). Typically, this information can be obtained from the vendor. If complete data is not accessible, please report what you can access.
603 Total successful retrievals (auto-summed from 601 and 602).
Report circulation of physical adult, young adult, and children's materials separately here (if you can differentiate them). If your local system does not differentiate, mark -1 on the lines for adult, young adult, and children's circulation, and report the total in Questions 610 and 611. If your library is unable to separate circulation of materials into young adult and children’s materials, report the total on Questions 618 and 619.
Do not include books loaned to other libraries on interlibrary loan, unless there is no way to separate them from regular circulation data in your library system. Interlibrary loan items borrowed and checked out for your patrons are counted under Questions 626 and 629.
If a shared library system is unable to credit an individual library with renewals, the system administration may contact the State Library about working out a distribution formula.
609 Automatic renewals of physical materials? Yes/No
Does your library automatically renew physical items that are checked to patrons? Please answer Yes if this is true for the majority of item types. For example, if your library does not automatically renew new items, but does so for most other physical items, answer Yes.
610 Number of first-time circulation of adult materials. Count the number of first-time circulation of adult materials.
611 Number of renewals of adult materials. Count the renewals of adult materials. If the library is unable to separate the initial circulation from renewals, report total circulation of adult materials in Question 615 and enter -1 on this line.
612 Number of first-time circulation of young adult (YA) materials. Count the first-time circulation of materials for young adult. For the purposes of this survey, Young Adult age is defined as 12 through 18 years and includes 18-year-olds.
613 Number of renewals of young adult (YA) materials. Count renewals of materials for young adults. If the library is unable to separate the initial circulation from renewals, report total circulation of young adult materials in Question 615 and enter -1 on this line.
614 Number of first-time circulation of children’s materials. Count the first-time circulation of materials for children. For the purposes of this survey, children’s age is defined as 11 years and under.
615 Number of renewals of children’s materials. Count renewals of materials for children. If the library is unable to separate the initial circulation from renewals, report total circulation of children’s materials in Question 616 and enter -1 on this line.
616 Number of first-time circulation of Other library materials. Circulation of all physical items other than print books, physical audio units, physical video units, and serials. These are materials in a fixed, physical format available for use outside the library. These can include a variety of items types, such as wi-fi hotspots, sewing machines, cake pans, tools, telescopes, board games, video games, visitors' passes for museums and recreational areas, etc.
617 Number of renewals of Other library materials. Count renewals of Other library materials (as defined above in 616).
618 First-time circulation not separated into adult, young adult, or children’s materials.
619 Number of renewals not separated into adult, young adult, or children’s materials.
620 Total first time circulation (auto-summed from 610, 612, 614, 616, and 618).
621 Total renewals (auto-summed from 611, 613, 615, 617, and 619).
622 Total circulation of adult materials (auto-summed from 610 and 611).
623 Total circulation of young adult (YA) materials (auto-summed from 612 and 613).
624 Total circulation of children's materials (auto-summed from 614 and 615).
625 Total circulation of Other library materials (auto-summed from 616 and 617).
626 Total circulation of materials not separated into adult, YA, or children's materials (auto-summed from 618 and 619).
627 Total circulation of physical items (auto-summed from 622, 623, 624, 625, and 626).
630 Number of circulations of Library2Go electronic materials.
If your library is a ODLC member AND you have an Overdrive Advantage account, please skip to Question 631, follow the Advantage steps there to report on Question 631, then come back here to follow the steps below. You'll need to subtract the number of circulations reported in Question 631 from the number you get through this process.
If your library is an ODLC member but DOES NOT have an Overdrive Advantage account, do this:
631 Number of circulations of local electronic materials. Please report all e-content platform circulations here, with the exception of shared Library2Go content, if applicable. Include any circulation from additional e-content platforms purchased locally, or from additional shared consortium e-content collections (other than ODLC/Library2Go). Please report Kanopy and Hoopla usage stats here.
For ODLC member libraries that ALSO have Overdrive Advantage accounts:
632 Total circulations of electronic materials (auto-summed from 630 and 631).
633 Total circulation - physical and electronic (auto-summed from 627 and 632).
634 Electronic content use (auto-summed from 603 and 632).
635 Total collection use (auto-summed from 603 and 633).
650 Items loaned to another library using the same shared catalog or integrated library system. Provide an annual count of loans of library materials, or copies of the materials, provided by one autonomous library to another upon request. In this line, report loans to libraries that not are under the same library administration but share a catalog system. Include loan requests initiated directly by a patron using the shared catalog system. This definition does not encompass direct loans made to users of other libraries through reciprocal borrowing agreements.
651 Interlibrary loans lent to all other libraries not using a shared catalog or integrated library system. Provide an annual count of loans of library materials, or copies of the materials, provided by one autonomous library to another upon request. In this line, report loans to libraries that are not under the same library administration and do not share a catalog system. Include loans to all libraries, regardless of location, that are not part of a shared catalog system with the reporting library. This definition does not encompass direct loans made to users of other libraries through reciprocal borrowing agreements.
652 Total ILLs lent (auto-summed from 650 and 651).
653 Items borrowed from another library using a shared catalog or integrated library system. Provide an annual count of library materials, or copies of the materials, borrowed by your library from another upon request. In this line, report borrowed materials from libraries that are not under the same library administration but dot share a catalog system. Include borrowing requests initiated directly by a patron using the shared catalog system. This definition does not encompass direct loans made to users of other libraries through reciprocal borrowing agreements.
654 Interlibrary loans borrowed from libraries not using a shared catalog or automation integrated library system. Provide an annual count of library materials, or copies of the materials, borrowed by your library from another upon request. In this line, report borrowed materials from libraries that are not under the same library administration and do not share a catalog system. Include borrowed materials from all libraries, regardless of location, that are not part of a shared catalog system with the reporting library. This definition does not encompass direct loans made to users of other libraries through reciprocal borrowing agreements.
655 Total ILLs borrowed (auto-summed from 653 and 654).
660 Number of circulations made without charge to non-residents. Report the number of items circulated directly to non-residents. Non-resident are persons who do not live within the boundaries of the library's governing body. These direct loans may be facilitated by means of reciprocal borrowing agreements with other libraries (such as the MIX or Passport programs), by means of a cooperative library system arrangement, or a county-wide federation of libraries, or because of free access policies at the library. Do include loans made to non-residents even when a reciprocal borrowing agreement or direct loan agreement returns a payment to your library for serving non-residents.
Report the number of items circulated directly to non-residents. Non-resident are persons who do not live within the boundaries of the library's governing body. These direct loans may be facilitated by means of reciprocal borrowing agreements with other libraries (such as the MIX or Passport programs), by means of a cooperative library system arrangement, or a county-wide federation of libraries, or because of free access policies at the library. Do include loans made to non-residents even when a reciprocal borrowing agreement or direct loan agreement returns a payment to your library for serving non-residents. Do not include items loaned when a user fee or library card fee is paid directly to your library by a non-resident. Do not include items loaned to other libraries on interlibrary loan.