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Continuing Education Resources for Library Staff

Technical Services

Free Online Learning Resources on Cataloging and Classification

Resources from WebJunction (free, requires an account):

  • Introduction to Cataloging for Non-Catalogers (self-paced tutorial)
    • The underlying concepts of cataloging
    • A brief history of cataloging
    • An explanation of why cataloging is important
    • An overview of the characteristics and varieties of library cataloging.
    • The varieties of OPAC displays
    • The three different types of cataloging activity
  • The Accidental Cataloger: Tips & Tools to Help You Use the Rules (webinar)
    • Have you found yourself responsible for cataloging with no previous experience? Is "cataloger" only one of many hats you wear at your library? Attend this session to learn about free tools to innovate your cataloging process, make your life easier, and get your library's materials cataloged and in the hands of your patrons.

By way of the State Library: self-paced tutorials in the Basic Skills academy (free to anyone, no user account required):

From the State Library: recorded webinars in the Oregon Staff Academy (free, requires an account, and you must be associated with an Oregon library – you can sign up here):

  • Basic Cataloging with RDA (popular recorded webinar)
    This session covers all of the core, standard, and common attributes for the IFLA-LRM entities of Work, Expression, and Manifestation following the current RDA: Resource Description and Access. All examples use books and are shown using the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. The session will also briefly address some anticipated changes under the yet-to-be-implemented “official RDA,” otherwise known as “RDA 3R” or “new RDA.” You'll learn about:
    • Applying common RDA instructions for standard book cataloging
    • Identifying attributes for Manifestations and Expressions
    • Describing basic changes related to RDA 3R
  • Cataloging Graphic Novels (recorded webinar)
    This session covers the basic definitions related to graphic novels and comics using a variety of fiction and nonfiction examples for demonstration. The session will pay special attention to descriptive cataloging areas, their associated RDA instructions, and the MARC 21 tags to use. It will also address considerations for subject analysis, genre vocabulary, and classification choices. You'll Learn About:
    • The definitions for the variety of resources generally attributed as "graphic novels"
    • The best practices for descriptive cataloging of graphic novels
    • The various choices for classification and subject analysis
  • How Do-We Do It? Practical Classification with the Dewey Decimal Classification (recorded webinar)
    This session covers the basic definitions related to graphic novels and comics using a variety of fiction and nonfiction examples for demonstration. The session will pay special attention to descriptive cataloging areas, their associated RDA instructions, and the MARC 21 tags to use. It will also address considerations for subject analysis, genre vocabulary, and classification choices. You'll Learn About:
    • The definitions for the variety of resources generally attributed as "graphic novels"
    • The best practices for descriptive cataloging of graphic novels
    • The various choices for classification and subject analysis

Additional resources:

  • Basics of Cataloging (Indiana State Library, recorded video)
    Have you ever been curious of how library resources are cataloged or why records display in an OPAC the way they do? Wondered what catalogers and technical services staff do all day and was afraid to ask? Here is your chance to learn more about how an essential function of the library happens with this informative, friendly presentation by experienced cataloger and technical services librarian Jill Sherman. Topics covered will be Library of Congress subject headings, classification and other tools used to create the records that build the foundation of a library catalog.

  • OLA's Technical Services Roundtable has a page of resources.
  • ALCTS (Association for Library Collections & Technical Services) has a series of recorded webinars, primarily focused on RDA.
  • MARC Standards from the Library of Congress website; and the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data

If you would like any additional assistance in finding the learning resources you need, please contact Darci Hanning (

Titles on Cataloging and Classification

The following titles are available for ILL, please visit the State Library's LIS collection web page for more information.

 Additional resources to explore: